
In the documentary Alles Flex? (‘All is flexible/cool?’) filmmakers Abel Heijkamp (NL) and Julij Borštnik (SI) explore the possible consequences of the current ‘flexibilisation’ of our life-world. It draws upon the personal accounts of flexible workers and flexible tenants of different ages and walks of life. What kind of society are we fostering when existential security is no longer a right, but a privilege for those who can afford it?

Dutch Housing Minister Stef Blok has stated that “while working is already flexible and dynamic, the labour market should soon follow accordingly”. With over 10 types of temporary tenancies already in place, and legislation being prepared that allows for yet more new ‘flexibilities’, insecure housing will likely become the norm.

‘Alles Flex?’ is the first episode of a 4 part web documentary series The Future of Work.
Filmed in the Netherlands, Slovenia, Germany and Europe.

Read more on our website: thefutureofwork.eu
Facebook: facebook.com/The-Future-of-Work-610106835718633/
or Twitter: @thefutureofwor1

Duration: 75 Minutes
Carola Schouten – Politician ChristenUnie
Pim de Ruijter – Public Housing Corporation Stadgenoot
Hanneke Klumpes – Public Housing corporation Vestia
Roel Griffioen – Gentrification researcher
Carla Huisman – Sociologist
Alfred Kleinknecht – Economist
Merijn Oudenampsen – Sociologist and Political scientist
Ton Wilthagen – Professor of labour market studies
Mariette Patijn – FNV Trade Union.
Anneriek de Boer – Temporary tenant
Khadija Ahfid- Temporary tenant
Jos Hummelen – Temporary tenant
Rochdale, Ad Hoc, Portaal, Heijmans One, and many more.


 Moderator: Winnie Terra, Huurdersvereniging Amsterdam

 Speaker: Abel Heijkamp,  Bond Precaire Woonvormen


Huurdersvereniging Amsterdam (HA). The HA is an umbrella organisation of all kinds of tenant’s organisations in the city. The HA aims to be the ideal urban advocate of all current and future Amsterdam tenants, and defends the rights and opportunities to these tenants. This way, the HA wants to make sure there are enough affordable houses available for everyone throughout the city.



Date, time: Monday 19 June, 19:30-21:30 hrs

Location: Het Schip Museum, tower room

Fee: none

Language: Movie in Dutch, subtitles in English


 Winnie Terra Winnie.terra@gmail.com

 Evert van den Eshof e.vandeneshof@huurdersvereniging-amsterdam.nl


Original text
