
The average age of the Dutch population is rising. It is expected that in 2030 about 25% of the Dutch population will be age 65 or older. This is also true of Amsterdam: in 2040 about 20% of the city’s population will be age 65 or above. This is equivalent to 184,000 inhabitants compared with 95,000 inhabitants (12%) today. So in the next 24 years, the number of elderly individuals will rise by 90,000.
Citizens are encouraged to stay in their homes and social environment as long as possible. Safety, social connections, accessibility and mobility are essential in preventing isolation and social disintegration. The World Health Organization prioritizes this need by supporting the Global Age-Friendly Cities Network. That initiative calls for effective measures and solutions to develop and improve the accessibility of the existing housing stock. The municipality of Amsterdam has joined this network.
At this workshop the citizens’ initiative ‘Initiatiefgroep Levensbestendig Wonen,’ (literally translated: Lifelong Housing Initiative Group) will discuss with the Municipality what measures should be taken to keep Amsterdam age friendly.


Date and time: June 13th 2017, 14.00 a.m. – 15.30 p.m.
Location: Spaarndammerbuurt
Fees & entry: Part of ISHF’s opening event (registration below)
Contact: Jan van Essen rosencavalier@hotmail.com


Registration (for full opening event)



Original text
